
Welcome to my blog. On this site, you'll find my personal musings, ideas about teaching, some of my latest writing, and assignments for my class.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A&P Senior English response

Respond to one or more of the following:
-Updike's use of imagery and word choice in this story is particularly brilliant. Respond to some examples of this in the story.
-On the LAF handout, Mr. H says that literature has so much irony because life is ironic. Comment on some of the many ironies in the story. Why are they so "life-like"?
-Note the publication date (at the end of the story). Any thoughts on why this story is very much of its time?
Your response should be about 150-200 words. In your entry, respond to at least one other posting. Early responders, come back to respond to other postings.